Anuvaad collaborated with the Department of Agriculture, Government of Uttar Pradesh and Ernst and Young (EY) Technical Support Unit to convene a policy workshop on ‘Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs): Promoting Convergence between Agriculture and Nutrition’ in Lucknow on 7th February 2024. The objective of the policy roundtable was to identify and incentivize FPOs that are growing nutritious crops. Dr. Devesh Chaturvedi, Additional Chief Secretary, Agriculture, Government of U.P delivered the opening remarks and shared strategic guidance on how to promote FPOs growing nutrient-rich crops through interdepartmental convergence. Team Anuvaad proposed a criteria for identifying FPOs that are cultivating nutrient dense crops coupled with potential incentive ideas and examples from different states of India for supporting such FPOs. Dr. Raj Shekhar, Secretary, Agriculture, Government commended the strategic shift to identify such FPOs and emphasized the importance of setting up review mechanisms for such FPOs in the state.
The policy workshop also featured an input seeking session with the line departments including Uttar Pradesh State Rural Livelihood Mission; ICDS Department, GoUP; Panchayati Raj Department, GoUP; Rural Development Department, GoUP; Basic Education Department, GoUP; Food and Civil Supply Department, GoUP and FPOs representing different districts of the state. These valuable insights were shared with the Department of Agriculture to further enhance nutrition-agriculture convergence via Farmer Producer Organizations in Uttar Pradesh.
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- 1. Thomas Edison may have been behind the invention.
- 2. Edison worked alongside partners, both financial, to get his best inventions off the ground,
- 3. Battling challenging cost targets and the need to build.
- 4. Partnership with a supplier or original equipment manufacturer.
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