Serial Number | State Name | District Name | Year | Prevalence of stunting-children under 5 | Prevalence of wasting-children under 5 | Prevalence of overweight-children under 5 | Prevalence of underweight – children under 5 | Children under 5 years who are severely wasted (weight-for-height) | Children aged 6-59 months who are anemic | Sugar levels in women (15 and above) normal | Blood sugar level-high (141-160 mg/dl) or taking medicine to control blood sugar level in women (15 and above) | Blood sugar level – very high (>160 mg/dl) or taking medicine to control blood sugar level in women (15 and above) | level – very high (>160 mg/dl) or taking medicine to control blood sugar level in women (15 and above) | Prevalence of diabetes-all women 15-49 | Prevalence of diabetes-non pregnant women 15-49 | Prevalence of hypertension-all women 15-49 | Prevalence of hypertension-non-pregnant women 15-49 | Prevalence of underweight in women (15 and above) | Prevalence of overweight in women (15 and above) | Prevalence of anemia-women aged 15-49 | Prevalence of anemia-pregnant women aged 15-49 | Prevalence of anemia-non pregnant women aged 15-49 | Sugar levels in men (15 and above) normal | Blood sugar level-high (141-160 mg/dl) or taking medicine to control blood sugar level in men (15 and above) | Blood sugar level-very high (>160 mg/dl) or taking medicine to control blood sugar level in men(15 and above) | level-very high (>160 mg/dl) or taking medicine to control blood sugar level in men(15 and above) | Prevalence of diabetes – all men 15-49 | Prevalence of underweight in men (15 and above) | Prevalence of overweight in men (15 and above) | Prevalence of hypertension – all men 15-49 |
Anuvaad Solutions is a registered LLP (ID Number AAY-4683). All project initiatives are supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Anuvaad Solutions LLP
Office No-1543, Regus,15th Floor,Eros Corporate Tower, Nehru place,New Delhi 110019.
Anuvaad Solutions is a registered LLP (ID Number AAY-4683). All project initiatives are supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.